// This list of "buy aliases" is used by the AutoBuy system. // The system begins with the first aliasin the list, and attempts to purchase it. // If a primary weapon is successfully purchased, all later primary weapon aliases are skipped. // Similarly, secondary weapon buy alias are skipped once a seconary weapon has been purchased. // You can customize this file to reflect your weapon and equipment preferences and priorities. // // The console commandfor autobuy is "autobuy" // // The available buy aliases and their names as shown on the buy menu are: // (Many weapons have more than one buy alias) // // galil - IDF Defender // defender - IDF Defender // ak47 - CV-47 // cv47 - CV-47 // scout - Schmidt Scout // sg552 - Krieg 552 // krieg552 - Krieg 552 // awp - Magnum Sniper Rifle // magnum - Magnum Sniper Rifle // g3sg1 - D3/AU1 // d3au1 - D3/AU1 // famas - Clarion 5.56 // clarion - Clarion 5.56 // m4a1 - Maverick M4A1 Carbine // aug - Bullpup // bullpup - Bullpup // sg550 - Krieg 550 Commando // krieg550 - Krieg 550 Commando // glock - 9x19mm Sidearm // 9x19mm - 9x19mm Sidearm // usp - KM .45 Tactical // km45 - KM .45 Tactical // p228 - 228 Compact // 228compact - 228 Compact // deagle - Night Hawk .50C // nighthawk - Night Hawk .50C // elites - .40 Dual Elites // fn57 - ES Five-Seven // fiveseven - ES Five-Seven // m3 - Leone 12 Gauge Super // 12gauge - Leone 12 Gauge Super // xm1014 - Leone YG1265 Auto Shotgun // autoshotgun - Leone YG1265 Auto Shotgun // mac10 - Ingram MAC-10 // tmp - Schmidt Machine Pistol // mp - Schmidt Machine Pistol // mp5 - KM Sub-Machine Gun // smg - KM Sub-Machine Gun // ump45 - KM UMP45 // p90 - ES C90 // c90 - ES C90 // m249 - M249 // primammo - Primary Ammo // secammo - Secondary Ammo // vest - Kevlar // vesthelm - Kevlar+Helmet // flash - Flashbang // hegren - HE Grenade // sgren - Smoke Grenade // nvgs - Nightvision // defuser - Defusal Kit // shield - Tactical Shield